všetkým našim zákazníkom, dodávateľom, partnerom, priateľom a známym príjemné
prežitie Vianočných sviatkov, a všetko dobré do nového roku 2025
Frequency converters in stock
We are proud to announce that thanks to the changes in organisation and production technology we have been working on since last year, our frequency converters in the power range up to 200 kW are now available directly from stock. We ship products of higher power rating within 5 days. We thank our team for their hard work and our customers for their continued support. Our customers can now expect even faster delivery times and a more flexible response to their individual requirements. 
wish all our customers, partners, employees and friends a
wonderful Christmas and all the best for the new year 2024!

The latest result of our development is the NEXIBOOST family of DC-DC converters. It is a platform for customer
solutions of non-insulated, bidirectional buck-boost DC-DC converters.
They are characterized by high efficiency of 99.5%, currents up to 140 A
DC, and voltage up to 1000 V DC.
One of the first
applications of NEXIBOOST is the UTNS-01 charger for suspended mining
locomotives, which we successfully certified at the beginning of
We have also participated in the Middle East Energy 2023, which took place on March 7-9.2023 in Dubai, UAE, where we presented, in addition to our PV COMP and NEXICONTROL PV inverters, also the overall Fuel Save solutions for fuel saving in "hybrid microgrid" networks, which we have been successfully deploying for several years together with our partner P.U.R.E.
From our home to yours, we hope you have a happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year 2023!

We are introducing new PV inverter with non-stop reactive power compensation, PV COMP 350.
Happy holidays and all the best in 2022!
We would like to inform you that in order to protect the health of our colleagues with regard to the current situation and recommendations, we suspend the activity of the whole company until 23.3.2020. Emails and mobile phones are checked and the technical support line will provide you with the necessary information over the phone. Thank you for your understanding and we will keep you informed of the resumption of normal operation.
Watch our video about our custom solutions of power electronics.

We thank you for your trust and look forward to working together in 2020!
We developed efficient energy storage solution with GSE CONTROL inverters and BMZ Poland Li-ion batteries. Download the datasheet.

We sicnerely thank you for your trust and look forward to our collaboration in the 2019.


P.F. 2018
On October 3rd 2017 our top-specialist participated in FlexThink conference, where he showed how it is possible to manage, configure and diagnose VONSCH products remotely.

Gruadual and postdoc students from The Technical University of Kosice can test the PV systems thanks to the modern laboratory equipment designed by VONSCH.
In cooperation with East Slovakia Energetics company we designed and produced an interesting equipment - Laboratory for hybrid PV systems testing for The Technical University of Kosice.
We have completed first Slovak Mathworks user story ever, describing the research & development of our PV products FOTO CONTROL 1f and FOTO CHARGER in the MATLAB & Simulink environment. Full story on mathworks.com
We are starting a new series of lectures and trainings.
We will do our best to adapt to your requirements.
Main topics of lectures:
- Elektric drives - frequency converters, soft starters
- Photovoltaics - theory, VONSCH solutions, conenctions, visualization
- Custom products VONSCH - upon request
If interested, please fill our contact form, or contact us directly by e-mail marketing@vonsch.sk.
VONSCH developers had a presentation at the University of Zilina at the workshop Real life experience in power engineering organized by the Czechoslovakia Section of IEEE and Young Professionals Program.
VONSCH developers participated in the conference Technical Computing Bratislava 2014, where they talked about the application of
MATLAB & Simulink in VONSCH.
Survey: VONSCH & Smartphones
Please, share your opinion on control of our products via smartphones.
Thank you very much.
VONSCH developers were presenting the results of their research at international conference IECON 2013, organized by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, held on November 10-13th in Vienna, Austria.
Title of the paper is "On the stability of current based MRAS".
Thank you for visiting our exposition at ELOSYS 2012 trade fair in Trenčín.
We have shown you:
On October 9-12 2012 we are going to present the latest products of our research&development for energetics, industry and renewable energy sources
at international trade fair ELOSYS in Trenčín, Hall 5, Booth. nr. 69.
We will show you:
Thank you for visiting our exposition at international fair trade AMPER 2010 , Prague.
On September 1 - 4 at the MINING EXPO 2009, Sosnowiec, Poland, polish company Desim presented the mining locomotive EE90, whose electric control system LOCO CONTROL
was designed and produced by VONSCH Brezno. LOCO CONTROL contents control of traction drives, wireless remote control, special safety features, USB black box, controlling and monitoring system, etc...
Uinque software features are providing excelent drive performance and safe locomotive work at the extreme conditions of the mines.
On days May 27 to June 6 in Banská Bystrica, Trenčín, Košice and Bratislava VONSCH lectured electrotechnic
professionals with lecture "Problems of implementation of frequency inverters, influence on supply network
and compensation of higher harmonic currents".
Konferencia ENEF
21.-23. októbra sa koná 8. ročník medzinárodnej konferencie "enef '08" s podtitulom „Energetická efektívnosť a zelená energia – príspevky k stabilite dodávok energie“. Konferencia má okrem iného za cieľ prezentovať súčasné poznatky a metódy na zefektívňovanie využívania energie a k naplneniu tohto cieľa určite prispeje odborná prednáška VONSCH "Optimalizácia spotreby elektriny modernizáciou pohonov technologických zariadení".
Konferencia ASENEM
V dňoch 6. – 7. 11. sa v Považskej Bystrici konala 31. KONFERENCIA PRIEMYSELNÝCH ENERGETIKOV, kde sme sa zúčastnili s prednáškou na tému Pohony v energetike. Účastníkov zaujala najmä novinka QUATROFREM a možnosti úspor pomocou riešení s frekvenčnými meničmi VONSCH.
Prednáška zo školenia
Školenie pre užívateľov frekvenčných meničov v teplárni
Dňa 15.11. sme realizovali technické školenie pre užívateľov priamo v prevádzke teplárne.